Thursday, May 7, 2009

Downloaded Application FAQ


Q: Man, where do I get this obscure program I need for some reason?
A: Well, you could try using the search in the Applications section of this forum. If you don't find it after looking through the search results and trying different search terms, you can either try to use Google to find it, or post a request on this site in the requests section. If you're lucky, someone will have it.

Q: How will I know an application will work on Vista?
A: Some people have compiled a compatibility list. From experience though, not many programs are incompatible, though if they are, you'll usually be able to make them work under compatibility mode or by running as an administrator. The list can be found here:

Microsoft has also released a list of "Certified for Vista" applications available here:

Q: Alright, I found the program, downloaded it, extracted it, now what?
A: Well, usually applications consist of two parts: the installatation files and the crack files. Usually they will come with instructions also. If they don't come with instructions, then it is assumed that you already know what to do. The most common procedure would be to find the crack file, install the program and apply the crack.

Note, there are cracks, keygens and serials, as well as a few other variants (fixed executable, etc.). All of these are basically what allow you to run the program as if you had purchased it. For example, some programs come with a crack, which is a small executable you must place in the program's folder (usually under Program Files) and run it. It'll ask if you want to patch a file, you must answer yes. By patching the file, you are removing the lines in the program that checks whether or not you bought it.

In case of a serial, you must simply enter the serial when asked and the program will register as if you had obtained the serial legally. A keygen simply generates a random serial for you instead of using a single one (which may bypass certain types of copy protection).

In any other case, simply throw the files in the program directory replacing anything there.

Q: Hey, what are these NFO files?
A: NFO files and files with information regarding the release. A release is the program and crack together, usually supplied by the same person or group who did the crack. It's more of a Scene thing, which I won't go into much detail here. It usually contains some pretty text art, information regarding the program, instructions and group news. It's usually wise to check out the NFO before doing anything as sometimes it may contain important instructions.

To view NFO files properly, open them in Notepad with a monoblock font such as Terminal, or use DAMN NFO Viewer, available here:

Q: I installed the application and it didn't work, now what?
A: Quite simply, tough luck. You didn't pay for the software and as such are not entitled to support from the developer. You could look for info on the problem on Google or ask in the thread where you downloaded it to see if someone else that the same problem you have and if they found a solution. Just remember to be polite, you're in no position to be demanding anything.

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